Not so useless in... C++, HTML, CSS, PHP, Godot(Game Engine), drinking and being a twat
Useless in but do anyway... JS, Blender, Unity, Unreal Engine and pretty much anything that includes drinking and being a twat
My Big Projects
Totem Social
Currently a backend developer building a site called Totem Social. Totem Social is a feed based anonymous chat website where you can chat with users around the world being able to share thoughts, images and ideas.
The Single Source Game Engine
One of my bigger projects is the The Single Source Game Engine which is a light-weight 2D game engine that utilises pure SFML and C++. It currently has functional animation and physics systems.
YCMovies was my second attempt at streaming video service. This time i took a less legal route. I came out with a site that had a fair bit of functionality, comfortable UI design and some of the best work ive done on a backend system
YCStocks is a web game where the player would buy and sell made up virtual currency and play to dominate the stock market. This was one of my favourite projects so far
CRPT is my personal crypto calculator. This would calculate profit allowing you to add all your crypto information and display it in an quick and easy to read way.
My Small (Shitty) Projects
This was my first attempt at streaming video. The idea of DestStudios was to buy rights to "forgotten" films and bring them forward for a new generation to enjoy
OddFilmReview was a film rating site that allowed users to rate films and create "posts" of these films for others to view. This was when i first got into database management and started thinking about the user interface
GreggDaEgg was an anonymous emailer that would randomly generate email addresses and make them avoid the spam folder of the recipient. Initially made to spam my old teachers but soon moved over for everyone to use.
(FAILED) TheMasonsTable
This project didnt get past the demo stage, it was a web based system that would be able to take booking, seat and manage your resturaunt full of customers with tables statuses amoung other features